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Dora, a story that found itself...
Starting from a search for regional identity, familiar words and flavors,Dora, a northeastern girl.
Images emerged to tell of the meeting, enchanting with the lightness of the movement of lines and colors, thrilling the senses...
Grace Lima
Morning Ritual: Coffee as Daily Inspiration
Graphic Design and Illustration
Visual identity
Graphic Design and Illustration
Cadu quer brincar
Graphic Design/Editorial and Illustration
College of Saint Benedict
Graphic Design and Illustration
Dora, uma menina nordestina
Graphic Design/Editorial and Illustration
A luz de Aisha
Graphic Design/Editorial and Illustration
Extra Newspaper
Graphic Design and Illustration
Power of the Peripheries
Graphic Design and Illustration
Época Magazine
The Platform
Graphic Design
Women's Places
Graphic Design
The Crow | Benedictine student newspaper
Graphic Design
Graphic Design and Illustration
Many drawings
Graphic Design and Illustration
Pedal Vini Jr.
Illustration and Motion
Visual identity
Graphic Design
Para um Planejamento Territorial Esperançoso
Graphic Design/Editorial
Direitos humanos
Graphic Design/Editorial
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